Intervention to consolidate the foundations of a civil building civil known as Casale Santa Sofia in site location Casone - Corbara

The object of intervention is a civil building site in rural area, in site location Casone in the municipality of Orvieto, not far from the town of Corbara. Currently the building is damaged because of the differentiated subsidence of the ground due to the different cycles of shrinkage and swelling of the clay. The intervention consists of structural consolidation with micropiles, both internal and external connected by a curb in CA that runs along the perimeter of the building. Then we will proceed with the restoration of the sidewalk and of some walls with interventions of sew-unpick, while inside we will heal the injury, restore the plaster, painting and flooring.

Ingenium has carried out the design services executive, began the authorization process from the local authorities and followed the execution of works such as construction management and coordination for security.

Committente privato

loc. Casone, Orvieto, (TR), Umbria - Italia

Starting work


Works bill
€ 95.000,00

Technical services
Progetto esecutivo, Pratica edilizia (SCIA), Assitenza durante l'esecuzione dei lavori, Relazione geologica ai sensi del DM 14/01/2008, Direzione Lavori, CSP e CSE