Project to activate the VIA process for the proposed extension of a wind farm in Pietramontecorvino (FG)
At the end of the screening procedure, the service ecology of the Puglia Region has determined to subject the project to expand the existing wind farm Pietramontecorvino Voreas Ltd. owned by the procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment. Ingenium Engineering has prepared all necessary documentation to the activation of the EIA process with the support of specialist advisers for the environment and for the checks in the field acoustics.
In detail, the technical services Ingenium Engineering has done are:
• Environmental Impact Assessment (SIA) ;
• Non-technical summary ( SNT ) ;
• Report Landscaping in accordance with DPCM 12.12.2005 with attachments: vincolistici frameworks , visual impact study with 9 fotoinserimenti processing from the main sensitive points reported by the Regional Landscape Plan in the project area ;
• Relations agronomic specialist ;
• Processed cartographic major floristic and vegetation ;
• Study of impact noise and photometric measurements for the analysis of estimates of the noise .
Moreover, during the analysis vincolistiche and after several inspections in situ for the preparation of the documents listed above , there was the need to optimize the final plan drafted by Voreas to improve the layout of the project and resolve all the critical issues raised by the Apulia Region within the determined above. Ingenium , therefore , has reviewed the drawings of the final design making improvements aimed at resolving critical environmental issues.