Construction of a wind-farm at Torremaggiore (FW) with an electrical output of 90 Mw
This project aims to work in synch with FW Power's final draft in order to build a wind-farm with an output of 50 Mw in the area of Torremaggiore municipality.
The installation is divided into two distinct and separate areas, "Pidocchiaro" and "Castellana". Located 4km away from each other, they are connected by means of a public road. The wind-farm will extend over an area totalling approximately 6.2 km2, of which only a minimal area will be used for the wind-turbines, power plant and access roads - the rest will continue to be used as agricultural land, as previously.
Ingenium has initiated all necessary planning actions for the verification of rural compatibility in accordance with article 146 Legislative Decree 42/2004 as follows:
-Rural report - Species report - Report on the agricultural landscape - Pedo-agricultural report - Photo-inserts from the best vantage points to evaluate the visual impact.